Rowing for the Visually Impaired | Concept2

Rowing for the Visually Impaired

The Concept2 RowErgs, the Concept2 SkiErg and the Concept2 BikeErg are all terrific training options for visually impaired athletes. They offer safe and challenging fitness activities, and they provide a great way to train for rowing, skiing and other sports. Thanks to indoor racing, they also provide an opportunity for competition.


The following software and applications are available for use with Concept2 RowErgs, BikeErgs and SkiErgs to voice your performance data during your workouts.


Designed to run on iOS and Android devices, ErgData is a free application that provides additional statistics, stores and displays your workout results, and uploads your workouts to the Concept2 Online Logbook. If you are running iOS 7, ErgData will work with the VoiceOver features on your iOS device to announce your workout data. When running ErgData with a PM5, the PM5 connects to your device wirelessly; running ErgData with a PM3 or PM4 requires a connection kit (available from Concept2) to connect your device. Learn more about ErgData.

Note for Android Users: ErgData voice features are available for iOS devices only. The third party app, BoatCoach offers voice features for Android devices.


David Brown

Following a bombing that instantly blinded him, David Brown sought a sport he could do on his own. Enter indoor rowing and ErgChatter, which changed his life.


Aerial Gilbert

Aerial Gilbert lost her sight in 1988. A guide dog and her love of rowing let her reclaim independence and the active lifestyle she'd always known.


Mike Winegarden

Fitness author and creator of See Yourself Fit, Mike Winegarden is totally blind. An avid rower, Mike recommends Concept2 to all his clients.
